As we’ve been traveling, serving others, and seeing the beauty of God’s creation in Latin America, China, and now Southeast Asia, I've been blessed with countless stories of how God has been vividly moving throughout the world. From building a church for a new congregation in Honduras, teaching English to orphans at Hope Unlimited in Brazil, to playing with kids in a Tibetan orphanage, the Kingdom of God is alive throughout the world. These experiences, plus exposure to foreign religions and Asian culture, have given me a better understanding of "how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ" (Eph 3:17-19).
As we’ve been traveling, Steve, David, and I are learning what we really love to do and are good at. I realize that I love to learn about, discuss, and tell others about God, especially in relationships with college students and kids. So I began thinking that serving with one organization for several months might allow me to have a larger impact in my areas of interest.
Enter Dan Collins and Jhonny Oruzco. Dan is a missionary serving with World Venture in Bolivia discipling youth (which are considered 18-30 in Bolivia) and raising up leaders in local churches. Jhonny Oruzco is a seasoned pastor associated with the Bolivian Baptist Union with a heart for the youth of Bolivia. In September we had the opportunity to partner with Dan, Jhonny and the CCF (Christian Collegiate Fellowship from the University of Oregon) Bolivia Short Term Mission Team. After thoroughly enjoying my time there and seeing that Dan and Jhonny were actively involved in areas that excite me, I began to think about an internship. With the support of Steve and Dave (who saw how energized I was in Bolivia), I emailed Dan and have been offered a 6 month internship starting in January. I will be mentored by Dan and Jhonny, study Spanish (Me encanta!), theology, and work with both university and children's ministries. I am excited for this opportunity to serve in Bolivia!
In order to pursue this opportunity I need to raise $6000. This would cover daily living expenses, medical insurance, visa fees, travel while in Bolivia (as I'd be traveling with Dan and Jhonny to other churches in Bolivia) and language school. I ask that you would consider supporting me financially in this endeavor. Additionally, I ask that you pray for me on a regular basis. To draw from Ravi Zacharis on the importance of prayer, “Prayer is not a substitute for action, but prayer undergirds action with the strength that makes the difference.” Thank you in advance for your contribution, whether financial or in prayer. If you would like to be on the list to receive email updates, have any questions, or just want to write me, please email me at
Please send donations to:
Joseph Tepe
23260 Ravensbury Ave
Los Altos Hills, CA 94024
Thank you so much,
Joe Tepe